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Top Water Bass Fishing

I had a few hours to spare so I thought I would fish for a little while. Turned out to be a great time. Check out for more Florida Bass fishing reports!
Video Rating: 5 / 5

On this fishing video I catch a”halibuts” and “striped bass”,,,I look forward to “many more” great fishing adventures in the future!!!,,,,Also when I caught the halibut I was fishing with my friend Stelo415,,,Be sure to check out his you tube channel too,,,it’s pretty cool. Thanks for watching this video,,,More “great fishing videos” coming soon so SUBSCRIBE NOW!!!,,,,,”Peace Always” from SharkManHD This video was filmed with my GoPro Hero HD Helmet Camera and the fishing rod that I used is a Dobyns DX783 SF and my reel is a Stradic CI4 3000.


  1. Bass2BucksOutdoors says:

    Yeah gopros sometimes distort the image.

  2. Will Staudt says:

    Maybe the camera was mess in with me but that didn’t look 4 lbs

  3. danielson8586 says:

    CHECK OUT REGO TACKLE ON EBAY!!! Search keywords: Rego Tackle. CHEAP WORM RIGS!!!

  4. MrHukaspukas says:

    Nice job.That lure is addicting!! Basss Master mag incase you didn’t know, you can turn one of the props so it spins opposit the other…helps the lure from spinning thats all. I caught two really nice fish on that lure,pencil bait we call it..Paul

  5. Nice top water action video so far, Kepp it up and catch a big one for the bass fishing fans

  6. Bass2BucksOutdoors says:

    No Shane.. You da man!

  7. captainshane100 says:

    Great fishing Ricky. You da man

  8. Bass2BucksOutdoors says:

    Great advice thanks.

  9. Bass2BucksOutdoors says:

    Where about? This was in Weston.

  10. Christian7thSF says:

    By the way I live in Florida, right next to the glades.

  11. Christian7thSF says:

    Hey I noticed you missed a few, Here is a tip. What you wanna do is keep your rod tip high that way if you do instincitvely set the hook your lure wont move much and you wont miss the fish. Also sometimes bass dont swallow they lure instead they just slap it trying to stun it so if your lure ever gets slapped just keep the lure there for 10 seconds and most likely that bass will come back and take it. Well these two tips are mainly for frog fishing, lures with treble hook usually hook the fish

  12. shimano stratic ci4

  13. SharkManHD says:

    It’s all good bro!

  14. killagarcia392 says:

    wait nvm it says in the description sry for wasting your time master

  15. killagarcia392 says:

    what kind of reel do you have

  16. peeeaaace!!!

  17. SharkManHD says:

    Sufix 20 lbs braided line.

  18. What kind of line u r using on the Stradic?

  19. SharkManHD says:

    Thanks bro!!!,,,,”lol”…

  20. FishOn bro!!! Huge fan of ur vids! Gotta fish with u or ur spots someday!!

  21. Right on bro,,,”””Thanks”””,,,,I have more fishing videos coming soon!!!,,,,”tight lines always”…

  22. zach truong says:

    best vids ever!

  23. I was not using bait,,,,I was using a lure,,,,The lure was a DC Minnow,,,good luck when you go fishing!

  24. jake bnolby says:

    what was the name of that bait you where using and where were you fishing for these fish.
    Thanks and good luck in the rest of 2012

  25. SharkManHD says:

    No,,,,it dives 1ft +

  26. swimbaitkid says:

    is that a topwater bait?

  27. SharkManHD says:

    Go to ANY tackle shop and they can help you and show you what a bucktail jig is!

  28. whens the next vid coming, cant wait. im gonna be fishing soon with my tica and penn reel. also i dont now what a bucktail is cant you help me find out

  29. SharkManHD says:

    Thank you very much my friend and I will keep the videos coming!,,,,,Also wish you the “best of luck” when you use lures from shore!,,,,,,”tight lines always”…

  30. deangeikas says:

    I enjoy your videos. I mostly fish with my friend off his boat off of oyster point. We done aliright this year. Went out two times, and caught halbut and stripers. We drift live bait. I have not used lures from the shore or beach for years, but i will trry and get back into it. In between our boat trips. But keep up the videos, it is nice to watch. Peaceeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

  31. SharkManHD says:

    Yea it was a small hali “but” still it was a keeper!!!,,,,It was only about 7 1/2 lbs.

  32. 65FASTBACKMAN says:

    That halibut looks a little small to me, more like a big flounder haha. How much did it weigh?

  33. SharkManHD says:


  34. 2:39 for fish seizure!

  35. SpartanSoldier76 says:

    In California, south of point Sur………there is no minimum size for catching striped sea bass…although some charter boat captains are assholes and throw them back because of their own “policies”……………..

  36. SharkManHD says:
