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Bass Fishing Conchas lake New Mexico!

Went shore fishing at Cohchas lake in New Mexico with Carissa and had an amazing time!!! Caught some fish and had some fantastic weather!! Used wacky rig, Bitsy Jigs, Baby Rage Craws, and crank baits to catch the fish!!

YogTrailers - Ultimate Bass Fishing 3DS

Fish! Hats! Lures! Trophies! FISH!
Video Rating: 4 / 5


  1. BreadStain2000 says:

    The best bit was 0:00 to 1:03

    lures, fish, nodding man wearing a cap!

  2. Ziffelbrixx says:


  3. Jack Jhonson says:

    wear hats! wear jackets! LUUUUUUUURES! Look at all these FIIIIIISH!

  4. Partyblast55 says:

    This is how everyone should act when fishing.

  5. Ribena Sweet says:

    FISHING!!! FISHING, fish, fi… ok, ok I’ll stop.

  6. qwertyadfg100 says:

    Best. yogtailer.ever.

  7. SoupProductionz says:

    Lures, fish, nodding man with a cap, FISH!!!

  8. Simon is the Best Announcer ever. PERIOD!!!!!

  9. Liam Lloyd says:

    Look at the size of that mother fucker!

  10. Oceanturnedpurple says:

    Everything about this is funny… just… wow.

  11. sammyrocks555 says:


  12. LlamaOnParole says:

    Women with boobiieess!

  13. ShadowMasterSoup says:

    Simon: another 3DS…game. lewis: Oh my god.. Simon: ULTIMATE BASS FISHIING!

  14. cagedbudgie says:

    Coming this summer… In your eye.

  15. supergraham89 says:


  16. Blackfire1998 says:


  17. derek3602008 says:

    Lewis only said three word in the entire video, “Oh my god!”

  18. derek3602008 says:

    You are totally right, put this one in the history books

  19. somerandomperson360 says:

    It’s like a literal trailer only shit

  20. strangeladae262 says:


  21. Ian frogman says:

    Ulama mite fish with boobies

  22. Forever my favourite yogtrailer

  23. haddoxboi says:

    Fish with women with boobies. Haha

  24. fhgwgads100 says:


  25. Danfitz2010 says:

    Love the way Lewis will happily sit quietly and laugh whenever Simon goes on a crazy rant